Monday, August 31, 2009

The Mother Ship

My dearest friend Cortney has been worried about me lately. I don't know how she has the time to worry, given that she moved to Maryland to put plunger hats on monkeys. All the same, she flew me out last weekend to show me around her humid new home.
That's her. Isn't she cute?

True to my endeavor, I kept all of my cooking to one burner over the weekend. Of course, all I really made was a frypan of spicy chicken, corn, and green beans for Cortney after work. Yes, I wore a housewife apron. No, you can't see.

On Sunday the 23rd we stormed DC proper for a tour of the Smithsonian American Museum, which was beautiful and interesting but lacked the power of the Air and Space Museum. Or so I thought...

As we rounded the exit of the science and general geekery exhibit, we saw it. The Mother Ship!
THAT, my freaky darlings, is Julia Child's kitchen. I had no idea that the exhibit even existed, nor did Cortney. We looked through in a haze of delight at recipes, old Child quotes espousing the glory of wine, and video clips of her shows.

I left with the feeling that my skin was getting stretched from all of the inspired ideas bouncing in my head. Be warned, I feel some overly ambitious recipes coming on in the near future. If this has left me with any impressions, it is this: great cuisine must start somewhere. A simple housewife's kitchen or a studio apartment, it doesn't matter where it starts. But start it must, and with the right idea and enough ingenuity great things are possible.
I also learned that I need some more tools. :)

Thanks, Cortney.


  1. Haha, am I to take it you've not seen Julie & Julia yet then?

  2. No, not yet. Quite saddened by this; I have no female friends in Oregon.
